How is Element SN-7 applied?
Liquid Element SN-7 can be used as a stand alone product (diluted in water prior to application) or it can be used in a blend with most fertilizers, nutrients and plant protection products. A small jar compatibility test and phytotoxicity test on the given crop should be conducted before large scale application. Once diluted to the desired concentration, Element SN-7 can be applied as a foliar spray or through drip irrigation. It is recommended to use the diluted product immediately. Do not store diluted product.
Will Element SN-7 damage or burn my crops?
Liquid Element SN-7 is a low salt containing formulation. When applied alone and at recommended use rates, there is almost no chance of burn. If it is being applied in a tank mixture, a physical compatibility test and phytotoxicity test should be run on the crop before widespread application.
Will Element SN-14 damage or burn my crops?
Element SN-7 a low salt containing formulation so when applied alone and at recommended use rates there is almost no chance of burn. If it is being applied in a tank mixture you should run a physical compatibility test and phytotoxicity test on the crop before wide spread application.
The shelf life of Element SN-7 in the unopened container is 2 years when stored away from extreme environmental conditions.
What is the shelf-life for Element SN-7?
Naturally the amount of product to apply depends on the crop, it's stage of growth, plant health and yield potential. Always conduct crop and soil analysis to determine plant needs. In general 1-5 quarts per acre of product can be applied one to two times per month, and at selected growth stages which may influence yield and quality. Element SN-7 is a good fertilizer to use when spoon feeding frequent low amounts of N to manage your crop.
What is the proper application rate for Element SN-7?